IWCF certification

Middle East Technical Well Control Training Company (METWCTC) is a training company located in Ankara, Turkey. 

About MET Well Control

List of well control courses


IWCF Level-2 pressure well control training course: The course is organized for Operation Team personnel who are well-site based position whose action or inaction could directly influence well control assurance.


IWCF Level-3 pressure well control training course: The course is organized for Equipment Operator who has to perform an action to prevent or respond to well control accident.


IWCF Level-4 pressure well control training course: The course is organized for Supervisor who specifies and has oversight that correct actions are carried out.

IWCF Certification

How long is the training course?

The level 2 Drilling Well control training course must be a minimum 20 hours, excluding examination time.

The level 3 and level 4 Drilling Well Control training courses must be a minimum of 32 hours, excluding examination time.

Courses - Virtual

METW training staff are able to provide Virtual courses for remote locations.